Suicide suicide suicide wtf is going on everywhere we can see this word, we can listen this word we can feel this word, but the point is how can we stop this??? Because If somebody committed suicide and stop his journey of this beautiful life then we feel sad for him for a moment and blame him for end of his life and after that we are busy in our life and forget it.. but guys it's happen again and again with many lives, many families are broken, many relations are broken just because of one suicide. that's why we need to think to stop this because it may be Happen with you, may be with your son, your daughter or with any other family member or friend. we will never fill the empty space of the person who left if we love our closed once then we need to observe them because relations are not only for spending some time and enjoy but also for spending time for each other in their difficult times and sometimes we have to stand with them to survive them from the dif...